Forage & Feeding

Home grown forage is an excellent source of protein and energy. However, the true benefits of silage are only available if it is of the highest possible quality.

Magniva silage inoculants are designed to solve the operational challenges of producing and preserving quality silage. All Magniva forage inoculants can also be used in organic production in Europe under regulation (EC) No 2018/848: certified by GB-ORG-02. This means producers have access to the latest technologies and products for their situation regardless of their farming practices. Magniva forage inoculants give producers more silage of better quality to feed, helping produce quality meat and milk with more control over feed costs.

Know, understand, and manage the mycotoxin risk Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by some fungi, either in the crops or during storage of cereals. It is common knowledge that mycotoxins are found everywhere and are a threat to the animals’ health and performance. Meanwhile, mycotoxin occurrence varies from one region to another and by type of material. Olmix Myco Overview reports with no surprise that corn and corn derived materials are the most at risk, but also highlights significant differences between these materials. The deoxynivalenol (DON) risk for example is much higher in corn
silage than in com grain, with 61% of ‘safe’ samples (<500ppb) in corn grain versus only 28% in corn silage. Moreover, Olmix Myco’Overview highlights that the six major mycotoxins differ from the six most frequent mycotoxins. In this regard, DON metabolites like 15-acetyl- DON and trichothecenes B other than DON, like nivalenol (NIV) should be watched, for being present in about 50% of the tested samples and twice as toxic as DON.
A good understanding of mycotoxin risk comes along with good management. Olmix provides practical solutions and scientifically proven technologies to secure the feed and protect the animals from all types of mycotoxins.

Forage and silage are excellent examples of sustainable feeds, and Volac offers research-based additives and expertise for a wide range of forage crops to help farmers produce consistently better silage. These include the leading brands of Ecosyl for ensiled grass, legumes and forage maize; and Ecocool for forage maize, wholecrop and other silages at risk of losses from aerobic spoilage (heating). Volac’s Ecosyl range includes the beneficial and highly- researched bacterial strain Lactobacillus plantarum MTD/1. In Ecosyl, MTD/1 has not only been shown to improve fermentation efficiency compared with untreated silage, but also to conserve more of the dry matter and nutrient quality ensiled, and to improve silage digestibility. More importantly, across 15 worldwide independent dairy trials over a range of forage crops and dry matters, feeding silage conserved with Ecosyl led to an average of an extra 1.2 litres of milk per cow per day.In other additives in the Volac range, MTD/1 is carefully blended with other components for additional benefits.
For example, dual-acting Ecocool contains MTD/1 for improved fermentation plus Lactobacillus buchneri PJB/1 for improved aerobic stability.